Emily Hecker

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Emily Hecker

Emily Hecker

Title: Founder and Director

Contact Info

Email Address: ehecker@emilyheckerinternational.com

Phone Number:

Bio: Emily Hecker is a US-based internal communication strategist, author, and certified Communication Management Professional (CMP®) with over a decade of experience transforming communication strategies. Through her coaching and consulting work, she partners with organizations across industries—including publishing, financial services, insurance, retail, and facilities management—to foster connected, engaged, and motivated workplaces. As the author of “Me, Myself, and IC: A Guide to Building Internal Communication as a Team of One,” Emily also empowers solo communication professionals to build strong foundations for success.

Company: Emily Hecker International (EHI)

Website: http://emilyheckerinternational.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emilyhecker


Location: US

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